Tuesday, March 27, 2012

BaZooples Buttons in Hobby Lobby!

Hi from Gertrude (the giraffe)!

My BaZooples friends and I hope you're having a wonderful day! It's so sunny and warm outside today, we've decided to take a long walk around the neighborhood this afternoon. It'll be hard to get Zach (the zebra) to come with us cuz I know he'd rather lay in the grass and look for pictures in the clouds, but somehow Mama Vicki will get him to come along :o).

We recently got some exciting news and wanted to share it with you -- the BaZooples buttons will soon be available in Hobby Lobby stores! AND since they already carry the BaZooples fabric, it'll be handy to get the matching buttons in the same place. Just thought you'd like to know!

Hugs & Smiles to you,

Friday, March 9, 2012


Hi from the BaZooples! Gertrude (the giraffe) and her friends thought you might like to see how they get from here to there and from there to home. Meet "Bug-Bug", they're happy little converta-bug who has a personality all his own...smiling his big BaZooples smile when he passes little kids on the street, doing wheelies (when Mama Vicki's not watching), and zipping up and down the Ozark hills! On sunny days, Gert loves to ride in Bug-Bug with the top down to stretch her long neck and feel the breeze tickle her ears.